Every year since 2012, I’ve summed up my year according to this survey and shared it on Facebook. Facebook has since taken away the “Notes” option, so I’ll be sharing it on here instead, because I do know of some friends who enjoy skimming this over each year.

1: What did you do in 2020 that you’d never done before?

– Donated money to WIRES Australian Wildlife Rescue Organization and Arts in the Armed Forces.

– Attended a movie at the theatre (my second viewing of ‘Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker’) alone as a birthday present to myself and because it was something I’d wanted to do for a while (attend a movie alone, because why the heck not?)

– Ordered a print from Angela Deane to put up in my home office.

– Remote teaching. Filmed lessons for my students. There’s good reason why I’m not a YouTuber.

– Bought an Epiphone acoustic guitar.

– Had an EKG and chest x-ray done to rule out anything serious when I strained my chest muscles. In short, my doctor told me it was basically because of stress and anxiety (thanks a lot, Covid-19).

– Landed a permanent position teaching my favourite grade at my favourite school!

– Learned how to make three of my favourite dishes that my mom makes.

– Really started getting into podcasts more. Some of my favourites include: 

My Chemical Fancast Two mega fans delve deep into all the content My Chemical Romance has put out. I learned things that I never knew, and that’s saying something.

The Office Ladies Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey re-watch the show from the beginning and dissect each episode. If you’re a fan of ‘The Office’ this is a must listen!

The Pedestal A podcast that consists of a group of friends watching old(er) films and then deciding if they still hold up today.

The Earth Locker Tom Hopper and Robert Sheehan have discussions with experts on subjects varying from saving our earth to mental and physical health. 

Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend‘ Conan interviews celebrity guests. Basically, his show in podcast form and with added banter. I always get a good laugh out of it.

– Started reading in the tub! Too much information? I faced my fear of dropping my Kobo into the water and now I read cozy books during Lush bubble baths. 

Deleted all my fan fiction off the internet. It was oddly difficult to do because writing fan fiction has been/had been such a huge part of my life since I was 15 years old. I met some incredible writers through fan fiction and can tell you two important things that I learned: 1. Some of the best writers aren’t formally published (yet) and 2. Your little idea for a story will appeal to someone out there. Bizarre or predictable, there’s an audience for everything, so, you know, take a chance and share your art. Special shoutout to the following: 

To Megs, for being my first fanfic reader/listener (and best friend). 

To my internet acquaintance, Kelly, who was my first comment and roped me into the fan fiction community in the first place. 

To Lyra, who was the greatest person for bouncing ideas back and forth with and also confirmed that my name is the correct way of spelling it in Ireland. 

To Maxiekat for writing THE BEST Four Brothers sequel and side stories. 

To all the people who left me such motivational comments -especially those who were patient enough to wait literal years to see the conclusion to my stories. 

To those who wrote me such heartfelt messages and shared their personal connections to the characters and subject matter. 

– I started drinking coffee when working on writing. Apparently it keeps me focused. Am I finally a grown up? I’m also working on building a taste for tea.

– Reconnected with a childhood friend online. So ecstatic to see that she’s totally living out her childhood dreams. You go, Caitlin! Her blog, Beauty and Colour is fantastic! Check it out!

– Splurged and bought my first Macbook! Loving it!

– Ate pad thai for the first time (I approve). 

– Got mildly crafty with a hot glue gun and turned my old makeup case into a nifty jewellery box to keep my necklaces organized. 

– Finally started paying for an account on Spotify and am glad that I caved. Makes it a lot easier to find new and/or old artists.

2: Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?  I’m not sure if I made any new year’s resolutions for this year… For next year I think I’d like to finish writing my novel. As of right now the first draft is complete, but it’s waaaay too long, so I’ll need to edit the heck out of it.

3Did anyone close to you give birth? No.

4: Did anyone close to you die? No.

5: What countries did you visit? None (thanks a lot, Convid-19).

6: What would you like to have in 2021 that you lacked in 2020? I don’t know, an actual life? (Thanks a lot, Covid-19). I’d REALLY like to see My Chemical Romance in person again (like I was supposed to in 2020), so if that could somehow magically happen, that’d be great, thanks.

7: What dates from 2020 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? I’m terrible with remembering dates, but the POSITIVE things I’ll remember from the year:

– Zoom chatted with the GarrettMinds gals. Too cool!

– Outdoor movie night on Sara and Craig’s backyard deck!

– See the first question for more good things.

8: What was your biggest achievement of the year? I started blogging a bit more regularly and became a morning person on weekends. It allows me to get a lot more writing time in for my novel. 

 9: What was your biggest failure? No failure, just lessons. 

10: Did you suffer illness or injury? Not really illness, but earlier in the year I got chest pains from a combination of stress/anxiety/twisting my body the wrong way, so that was something new. 

11: What was the best thing you bought? A guitar, MyChem concert tickets (until that was postponed), some rad new clothes and my MacBook Pro.

12: Whose behaviour merited celebration?

Basically, anyone doing anything good to keep everyone stuck in their homes entertained through the use of social media or other. For me, I appreciated SNL at home. Was it the greatest content? No, but I loved the effort and creativity. I also loved celebrities sharing cooking tips, or doing live chats. For a while Pierre Bouvier was doing evening chats from his backyard where he played some Simple Plan songs on acoustic guitar and then talked about his chickens a lot. His family would regularly pop in to contribute random comments. It was pretty wholesome and definitely made me smile. Gerard Way put out some free music and gathered a bunch of his artist friends to collaborate and make a free colouring book for fans. Hayley Williams shared a video of herself doing a dance routine/exercise to go along with her song ‘Over Yet’John Krasinski started that Some Good News show on YouTube. Josh Gad hosted cast reunion shows of huge franchise films, like Lord of the Rings and Back to the Future. Not to mention all the things local individuals did. Like drive by visits and care packages, mental health phone call check ins, etc. The pandemic brought out the creativity in people and that’s the positive I’m choosing to take from it.

 13: Whose behaviour made you appalled?

– 2020 isn’t a person, but it was a whole mood and I’m including it here. The whole year was appalling.

– Trump. Anything he has ever said or done. The fact that he exists at all is appalling.

– White supremacists.

– People so utterly ridiculous that they threw temper tantrums about having to wear masks.

– People so utterly ridiculous that they argued that Covid-19 is/was a conspiracy by the government to control people.

– Corrupt police officers.

– The 13 Reasons Why writers making the decision to ruin the life of their most redeemable character on the show in the very last episode of the series. Of all characters, that one deserved the happy ending. So, excuse you, Brian Yorkey! 

– People who – even pre-Covid – , don’t cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze. Are you unaware of the elbow cough, sir? Do you understand how germs spread, ma’am?

14: Where did most of your money go? Bills, concert tickets, guitar, MacBook and online shopping. So much online shopping…

15: What did you get really, really, really excited about?

– Having tickets to go see My Chemical Romance in St. Paul, MN.

– Having a trip to Disney World planned.

16: What song will always remind you of 2020?

– Over Yet – Hayley Williams

– I Think We’re Alone Now’ – Tommy James and the Shondells cover by Billie Joe Armstrong

– Phoning It In – Gerard Way

– ‘Little Bastards – Palaye Royale

– ‘If You’re Too Shy (Let Me Know) – The 1975

– Cities in Dust – Siouxie and the Banshees

– Stupid Love – Lady Gaga

– Rain on Me – Lady Gaga & Ariana Grande

– Club Zero – The Go-Go’s.

– Scarlett Cross – Black Veil Brides

– Walking on Broken Glass – Annie Lennox cover by Murder by DeathBrody Dalle (the Distillers) and Frank Iero. I didn’t know that I needed this cover in my life, but my sister can confirm that I almost hit the ceiling with excitement when I first heard it!

17: Compared to this time last year, are you: (a) happier or sadder? Sadder (thanks a lot, Covid-19). (b) thinner or fatter? Same. (c) richer or poorer? Same.

18: What do you wish you’d done more of? Reading. I got back on track with the writing, but the reading is still a struggle. Weird year to have not done a lot of reading.

19: What do you wish you’d done less of? Procrastinating. Always procrastinating.

20: How did you spend Christmas? The Covid-19 way.

21: Did you fall in love in 2020? No, but I did start online dating again.

22: What was your favourite TV program? TV shows I watched this year: 

– ‘Sister Wives’ I’ve been following this family on TLC for too long to stop now. 

– ‘Outdaughtered’ They’re still not overly obnoxious yet, so I like ‘em.

– ‘Imagineering’ Was super neat to see how Disney was built from the ground up

– ‘Bob’s Burgers’ This show keeps me sane with its insanity.

– ‘This is Us’ Who doesn’t love a good cry now and then? 

– ‘Tiger King’ I wanted to be part of the pandemic party watching this train wreck. Of course she killed her husband. It’s a no brainer.

– ‘GLOW’ I’m usually a fan of anything 80’s and this show is a lot more fun that I thought it would be. I’m so bummed that the last season has been cancelled. 

– ‘Unorthodox’ I loved this! I wish there had been more to the story.

– ‘After Life’ Season 2 I have many mixed opinions about Ricky Gervais as a person, but he did a great job with this show.

– ‘Titanic: 20 Years Later with James Cameron’ It wasn’t as exciting as I hoped it’d be. Basically, all that was determined was that the Titanic sank at a slightly different angle.

– ’13 Reasons Why’ Final Season It’s been tradition for me to yell advice at Tony throughout this journey. Needless to say, I yelled at Tony for being an airhead in episode 6. Then I ugly cried my makeup off and gave myself a headache during the first 40 minutes of the very last episode. Writers, what the heck!? You can’t just throw a heavy topic like that into your series finale! That subject should have been introduced and explored since season 2 (at least).

 Then I re-watched all of ’13 Reasons Why’ from the beginning And cried even harder the second time I got to THAT scene in the last episode. 

– ‘The Fosters’ I liked it, so don’t take it the wrong way when I say I’m pretty sure I disliked every character on the show.

– Re-watched Season 1 of The Umbrella Academy. I can’t get over how well they cast Number Five. That kid looks and acts exactly like the comic version (who looks and acts exactly like Frank Iero, but that’s a whole other story) of his character.

– ‘Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich’ What a piece of trash human being he was.

– Attempted to re-watch the first three seasons of Riverdale Gave up after three episodes. That show is probably only good to watch once. As soon as you know who murdered Jason Blossom it’s really anti-climactic. Honestly, all of these actors could do so much better than Riverdale, but if you’re getting paid, you’re getting paid, I guess.

– ‘Anne Frank; Parallel Stories’ I didn’t learn anything new from the documentary, but hearing her story again and the stories of Holocaust victims and survivors will always be important.

– ‘The Great Canadian Baking Show’ Whose idea was it to have Dan Levy as one of the hosts? That was a brilliant move. I’ve been reluctant to watch the third season because he’s no longer the host. Bummer. Anyway, who knew I’d become to so emotional over a random Canadian stranger winning a cake plate because they bake so well?

– ‘The Umbrella Academy’ Season 2. BRILLIANT! I loved it even more that the first season. Character development, humour, action, music, fashion… What else could you want? A Gerard Way cameo? A Gerard Way cameo (that little book excerpt in season 1 doesn’t count). Make it happen, Season 3! 

– ‘Ratched’ I haven’t finished yet, but plan to. Kinda lost interest/kinda not over that boiling bathtub scene. 

– ‘The Conners’ I love this dysfunction family. 

– All 6 Seasons of ‘Schitt’s Creek’ It took me until season 3 to truly understand the fascination with this show, but once I “got” it I was also hooked. 

– ‘Dash & Lily’ Both main characters are a bit annoying at times, but I love the concept of the show and hope it gets renewed for a second season. It was the perfect show to get into the holiday spirit and included major ‘You’ve Got Mail’ vibes. To be fair, I’m a sucker for anything set in New York at Christmas. 

 ‘Selena: The Series’ A bit weird to say I like something that is based on a true story with a super tragic ending, but I like the series so far? 

23: Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? Yes. Anti-maskers.

24: What was the best book you read? Books I read this year:

– ‘The Princess Diarist’ – Carrie Fisher (audiobook). With the completion of the Star Wars sequel trilogy, it seemed fitting to finally listen to Carrie discuss the fandom and her affair with Harrison Ford.

– ‘Invisible Ghosts’ – Robyn Schneider The book, overall, was charming. I would have liked there to have been more depth when discussing Rose’s brother’s ghost. He seemed like such a side character and so his exit from the story didn’t hit as profoundly as I imagine it could have.

– ‘Moxie’ – Jennifer Mathieu I knew I’d like this book based on the front cover alone. Vivian, a teenage girl in high school fights against her school’s sexist standards through a feminist zine after looking through her mother’s trinkets from her rebellious punk past. It also references ‘Bikini Kill’ and ‘Johnny Cade’, so bonus points!

– ‘You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life’ – Jen Sincero I have never read a self-motivational book before, so thought I’d give it a whirl. It was nothing ground-breaking per se. I didn’t read anything in it that I hadn’t heard before. Still, I needed some kind of boost to get me back into writing and this seemed to help, so kudos to the writer! I appreciated that she acknowledged how cheesy her own book was right from the start, so that kept me hooked.

– ‘Dash and Lily’s Book of Dares’ – Rachel Cohn and David Levithan I watched the Netflix series and decided to check out the book. It was the perfect book for December. It was quirky, cute and a super quick read. I’ll have to check out the rest of the books in the series.

25: What was your greatest musical discovery? 

– ‘Cold War Kids’ Thanks to Adam Driver. Not personally, I just read in an interview that he attended one of their shows once, so decided to give them a listen.

– ‘Ben Lee‘ Discovered when a song was featured in the final season of ’13 Reasons Why’.

– ‘Lounge Lizards’ Thanks, Sheehan-face on the Earth Locker podcast. I didn’t realize I knew of this band until I heard a particular song.

– ‘The Distillers’ Brody Dalle was featured in the cover of ‘Walking on Broken Glass’, so I checked out her band after and spent a whole day listening to their discography while I was doing some research on punk clubs in New York City. Day well spent.

– ‘Machine Gun Kelly’ I knew MGK before this year, but I’m not a rap fan. I am, however, a pop punk fan and since that’s the direction he went in for his latest album, I gave it a listen. It’s good!

26: What did you want and get?

– Tickets to a My Chemical Romance show.

– Tickets to Disney World.

– Tickets to an Aqua show.

– An Epiphone acoustic guitar.

– A MacBook Pro.

27: What did you want and not get? 

– A My Chemical Romance show (thanks a lot, Covid-19).

– A trip to Disney World (thanks a lot, Covid-19).

– An Aqua show where they were literally set to bring all the best 90’s dance bands with them (thanks a lot, Covid-19).

28: What was your favourite film of this year? Movies I watched this year, new or old:

‘Kramer vs. Kramer’ I grew up hearing people mention this film countless amounts of time. I always thought of Kramer from Seinfeld when it was mentioned so I just assumed it was a comedy… Obviously I was very wrong, so after seeing ‘Marriage Story’ at the end of last year and because ‘Kramer vs. Kramer’ had been added to Netflix at the around the same time, I decided to watch. I can see why everyone compared ‘Marriage Story’ to it, but there were many differences as well. ‘Marriage Story’ was like the modern take, but also showed both sides of the divorcing couples’ story. In ‘Kramer vs. Kramer’you’re really only seeing one side of the story and hear snippets about the other side. Either way, I liked it. I couldn’t get over how young Merlyn Streep was and my heart was continuously breaking for Billy. 

‘Frances Ha’ I love quirky, independent films occasionally. I also love anything that takes place in New York and deals with the struggles of artists trying to “make it”. I thought it was interesting how the movie was in black and white and I liked the soundtrack. I could definitely relate to the main character, Frances, at times and felt like packing up my bags to hightail it to NYC to live the grungy apartment life with a bunch of zany roommates. Still trying to wrap my head around why it was rated ‘R’ though? 

‘Little Women’ I never thought I’d tell you that the movie to make me cry the hardest was ‘Little Women’, yet here we are. Until now it’s always been ‘Toy Story 3’ that made me bawl my eyes out. I adore this film. The casting was perfect and everything about it felt cozy while you were crying buckets throughout the entire thing. I could always relate to Jo March, but never more than I did watching Saoirse Ronan’s portrayal of her. On the bus ride home after seeing the movie I put on some calm music and daydreamed about writing. That’s it. Daydreaming about writing.

‘Joker’ I wanted to see what Adam Driver was up against for the Golden Globe awards so made it a point to watch this the day of the award ceremony. Joaquin Phoenix does a phenomenal job in the role. At the same time, I didn’t feel like he was acting half the time? Regardless, he did a great job playing psychotic. I understand that this film was supposed to be the Joker’s origin story of sorts, but I would much rather it have been taken completely out of the Batman world (Gotham). Even so, the message was still there, loud and clear.

‘Logan Lucky’ The film didn’t hook me immediately, but by the end I was in fits of laughter during a couple scenes. Even just hearing Channing Tatum say the word “peepers” in that drawl – I had to wind back to listen again. Daniel Craig as Joe Bang was hilarious. His character was oddly likeable and the entire bomb scene was great comedic timing. Adam Drivermaking a martini with one hand as Clyde was impressive and like every role he plays, he’s a chameleon. The movie isn’t perfect, but it’s a fun watch! I’ve also never heard a film use the word “cauliflower” as much as this one did.

‘Meyerowitz Stories’ I started watching this thinking it was a series. It’s a movie. It was alright. A bit slower at parts. I probably wouldn’t watch it again.

‘JoJo Rabbit’ This film was great! I could not stop laughing anytime JoJo’s friend showed up and nagged about his wife. It’s definitely not a film everyone can agree on and I think you really need to have a bit of a morbid sense of humour to find it funny. 

‘Midnight Special’. I watched it for Adam Driver, let’s be honest. I didn’t like the movie very much, but I approve of Adamand his character’s wardrobe.

‘Uncut Gems’ It’s always a bit jarring to watch Adam Sandler in a serious role, but he’s good at it! I had no clue what I was in for when I started watching it and was startled by the ending.

‘Pet Sematary’ (2019 version). I think “meh” sums it up. I still prefer the 80’s version.

‘Ratatouille’ I have no idea why it took me so long to watch this. Shoutout to my students for insisting that I watch the whole thing because it was delightful.

– ‘Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile’ I can’t remember much about watching it…but I think I liked it?

Wreck it Ralph’ This was fun.

Wreck it Ralph Breaks the Internet’ This was not as fun.

Life of the Party’ Nothing ground-breaking. Usual Melissa McCarthy humour.

Onward’ I feel like a lot of people dragged this movie down, but I thought it was cute.

The Princess Bride’ I wouldn’t say I loved it, but I can absolutely appreciate and understand why it has such a huge fan following. There were definitely parts that made me laugh and I’d absolutely watch it again.

Iron Man’ I am trying to like The Avengers franchise, ok? So, don’t hate, but this movie did absolutely nothing for me.

Looks that Kill’ This film was suggested to me on YouTube after watching interviews for my ’13 Reasons Why’ blog post, because it stars Brandon Flynn. The film isn’t as dumb as the trailer makes it look. I’d slot this one next to films like: ‘Lars and the Real Girl’, ‘Falling Overnight’ and ‘The Art of Getting By’ with some ‘Napoleon Dynamite’ aesthetics and vibes. 

– ‘Eurovision’ Watched this one with the fam jam when they came over for dinner on July 17th. I got a lot of ‘Blades of Glory’ feels from it. Jaja ding dong!

– ‘The Meg’ I watched this one on July 18th whilst drinking half a bottle of wine. Just another shark movie. Was surprised by nothing, but to be fair, there’s probably only so much you can really do in a shark attack movie without it turning into ‘Sharknado’. At least this one had Dwight (Rainn Wilson) in it.

– ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ Watched this one on July 19th. I loved it! I’m wondering if the books are worth giving a try?

– ‘Slender Man’ I fell asleep watching it. Take what you will from that.

– ‘School of Rock’ I’ve obviously seen this one before many times, but re-watched it for the first time in a long time. It’s still the absolute greatest. The end credits still crack me up when he starts singing about how the clean-up crew has to come in and mop the floors for the next viewing.

– ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ Not something I’d usually watch, but I was in the mood or something cozy feeling and I just assumed anything suggesting food as a main topic in the title would cast exactly those vibes. I was right.

– ‘Goosebumps 2’ Wasn’t a fan. Needed waaaaay more Jack Black. Just his voice as Slappy wasn’t enough throughout the film. Overall, the movie felt lazy and like it was recycling the last one. I feel like there is so much potential for this franchise in films if they tried a little harder to channel what the television show did. Start with the theme song and go back to “basic” film techniques. You might be surprised to know that kids today like the “retro” feel of 90’s shows.

– ‘Hubie Halloween’ My family were bigger fans of this one than myself. I like all the cameo appearances, but otherwise thought it was a bit too ridiculous.

– ‘The Holiday’ I’m not entirely sure why it took me so long to watch this one, but I was completely obsessed with how great it was. 

– ‘Just Friends’ I’ve seen clips from this movie for years, so finally sat down and watched it in its entirety. Not the best thing I’ve ever seen, but it was watchable.

– ‘Love the Coopers’ This film felt too disjointed. I’m assuming the movie was attempting to tell multiple stories for all the characters, but it sure did a sloppy job and didn’t spend enough time on character development. I felt nothing for any of them.

– ‘Soul’ Don’t hate. Maybe it’s because I wasn’t paying enough attention, but I really didn’t love this film? ‘Inside Out’ is/was far more superior. This one was trying to tackle a huge topic, but I think it bit off more than it could chew at times and as a result fell flat at parts (for me, at least) or was rushed. I was not a fan of the talking cat (but I also dislike most films with talking animals) and I really didn’t like how they made a big deal about his music student, only to have that storyline shoved to the side. Then the ending was also mega underwhelming. To each their own, though. I know a lot of people are currently obsessed with this movie. 

– ‘Hillbilly Elegy’ I’ve heard that this film (that’s based on a true story) is getting a lot of flak, but with that aside, I found it entertaining.

29: What one thing made your year immeasurably more satisfying? The same things that kept me sane. See that question below (#31).

30: How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2020? Same as last year with the addition of flowy skirts. I also wear lipstick every weekend, because then I feel more put together and seem to accomplish more things.

31: What kept you sane?

– Music played a huge part this year for my sanity through Covid-19. Both old music and new music. Shoutout to the artists who still chose to release new music during a pandemic knowing that promotional touring wouldn’t be able to happen. Palaye RoyaleHayley Williams, etc.

– New seasons of TV shows that I like. Again, something familiar, but also new. Great for Covid-19.

– My cat, Freddie. If I had to isolate alone, I’d go nuts, probably. Freddie kept things lively. Like cackling at geese outside the window, forever trying to open the basement door that he knows he can’t and snatching elastic bands to run around the house with in order to force me into a cardio workout by chasing him.

– Zoom chats with friends and family, both here in Winnipeg and around the world! My GM gals! It was too cool both seeing and hearing all of you for the first time in the same chat!

– My colleagues at work as we all wade through the nonsense this year has thrown our way.

– My students, who are so unapologetically themselves at all times. It often results in a whole lot of laughter. Take that, Covid-19!

– The Earth Locker live chats with Robert Sheehan and Tom Hopper. Even the live chats on Instagram before the podcast were released. There’s something really calming and wholesome about two guys with the greatest accents discussing sustainability and mental health from their homes. And with Robert’s quirky personality and impeccable comedic timing it was never a dull moment. It’s free, but I’d totally pay money to watch this man sprawled half naked on his couch eating kale crisps and enthusiastically discussing gardening techniques and how to tackle creative blocks.

32: Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?

– I mean, Adam Driver, obviously. Sara and I have movie nights dedicated to him.

– I found out this year that Ross Butler can also play piano, so I’m officially adding him to my list.

– I fell down a rabbit hole of watching Robert Sheehan interviews in 2020 and his accent and charm won me over…again. Sorry not sorry.

– Andy Biersack sang the lyric “Sin for me” in Black Veil Bride’s ‘Scarlett Cross’, and my immediate response was an enthusiastic “Okay!”, so he probably belongs on this list too.

33: What political issue stirred you the most? Too many things to discuss here, so I won’t.

34: Who did you miss? People living elsewhere.

35: Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2020: I already knew this, but I think this year just re-emphasized how important the arts are for people’s sanity.

36: Quote a song lyric that sums up your year: 

– “If there’s resistance, it makes you stronger.” – ‘Over Yet’ – Hayley Williams

– I’m not about to post all the lyrics…but ALL the lyrics for ‘Phoning It In’ – Gerard Way

Let’s all hope that 2021 is better than 2020!

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