Garrett Who? (The Adventures of Being a Garrett Hedlund Fan for 9 Years and Counting)

**All the pictures used in this post are credited to the MrHedlund website (may it RIP)** Spring 2010. Cat is reluctantly studying for her sociology exam and looking for any excuse not to. She changes channels on the TV several times until she lands on a movie with Mark Wahlberg in it. Not really paying

Why I’m So Excited About The Umbrella Academy: A Novel By Cat

Gerard Way wasn’t being taken seriously enough as a graphic artist and was living in his mother’s basement when 9/11 happened. He was on commute from Jersey to New York where he worked at a job he wasn’t feeling fulfilled with and was battling depression, drug and alcohol abuse and was at one point suicidal.

Bohemian Rhapsody

Here’s a bit of flashback post I typed up in November after I saw ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’. As a Queen fan I thought the film was pretty good. Alright, I’ve thought about it and I think that if you don’t know much about Queen then ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ is perfect. For me personally, I found the storytelling a bit choppy because the timeline was off at parts